Who we are
Dufferin Coalition for Kids (DuCK) is a community-based planning table in Dufferin County for children, youth, and their families from preconception to age eighteen.
Our purpose:
Our purpose is to collaboratively develop and implement an evidence-informed community plan which enables children and youth within Dufferin Country to achieve their full potential.
Our history:
DuCK began in 1986 as a committee of Dufferin County health and social service providers for families. It was originally known as the Dufferin Child Care Committee. Over the past 25 years this collaborative has been a valued forum for communication and coordination between individuals and organizations whose mandates include services that support DuCK’s purpose and objectives. Since 2009, DuCK has served as Dufferin's local Children’s Services Planning Council; mandated by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services. In 2009, DuCK formalized its Terms of Reference, and in 2010 it established a Strategic Plan.